I wanted to write this Wealthy Affiliate Review, because Wealthy Affiliate has worked for me in multiple ways. I stumbled on it when researching ways to earn some money working at home. I found many offers that were scams of one sort or another, and some work-at-home jobs that involved phone calling, which didn’t interest me. My criteria was that I wanted to work my own flexible hours, not have a supervisor to answer to, and be able to earn some extra income.

laptop and coffee

I found Wealthy Affiliate, and was immediately interested, although a little intimidated as my computer skills were a bit limited. What drew me to the program was the step-by-step training, and the fact that I could check it out see if it was for me without paying anything.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is an online program to help people develop an internet business. I’m sure it’s easier if you have good computer skills to start with, but even those of us with just basic skills can learn to build a website and a successful online business!

You start with something you are interested in, build a website around that interest, and learn how to make money from that website. Build a website? The very idea panicked me at first! But what you are reading now is my third website. When I first learned of Wealthy Affiliate, I never thought I could do it!

What Has Wealthy Affiliate Done For Me?

Aside from the online business I’m developing, Wealthy Affiliate gave me new skills online, and built my confidence! Learning to do something you previously felt was beyond you is very empowering. And that new skill led to increased enthusiasm in general, and a new interest in maximizing my potential. I’m in my early 70s, but am improving my health and fitness, taking on new challenges, and hoping to help others do the same. I had never before been into social media online, but am finding connecting with others with similar interests and ambitions is very satisfying.

What Are The Steps To Success?

You can sign up for a Starter Membership completely free. This gives you access to many of the features of Wealthy Affiliate, and gets you started toward being an online entrepreneur. There are 4 major steps toward a profitable business:

  1. Choose an interest.
  2. Build a website.
  3. Attract visitors to your website.
  4. Generate revenue.

Step By Step Training–Makes It Easy

There are two training programs–the first class of each included completely free with the Starter Membership. One is the Certification Course, which is a step by step in depth course that will take you through building an online business around any interest you have. Not sure what to choose? The other program is the Affiliate Bootcamp, that helps you build a business around being an affiliate of WA itself–one of the most lucrative programs in the industry.

Choose An Interest–Your Niche

Your interest, or your niche, can be absolutely anything that attracts you. Lets say your hobby is gardening. That is pretty broad, so perhaps you want to narrow it down to organic gardening, or flower gardening, or gardening for kids, or any aspect of gardening or gardening techniques.

You could also choose a niche you don’t know anything about, but you want to research it and learn about it as you build your business around it. It is totally up to you, and the possibilities are endless.

Wealthy Affiliate’s training includes how to choose your niche. They offer personal support to help you come up with niche ideas and to select your niche.

Build Your Website–Your Foundation

This is something I never dreamed I could do! Wealthy Affiliate provides Starter members with a website through their platform Site Rubix. This allows you to build WordPress websites within the Wealthy Affiliate program, and offers you all the technical support you need. With the training programs and Site Rubix, you can build your own website in 30 seconds!

If you choose to upgrade to Premium, you receive one free .com domain, and can host up to 10 of your own domains (I didn’t even know what that meant when I started, now I own 3 domains).

Your website will be the foundation of your business. As you build out your website, you will become an expert in your niche, and will be able to help people learn more about your topic, inform them, offer related products and services, and build reviews offering your opinions on these products and services.

Attract Visitors–Traffic Needed!

Without people visiting your website, so they can buy things through you or take an action you recommend, you won’t have an online business! You need traffic! Visitors to your website that you can sell things to.

Wealthy Affiliate will teach you how to attract visitors to your website. You need to get your website ranked, and get traffic to it. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you what you need to get ranked in search engines, and how to leverage platforms in social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, etc) to drive traffic to your website. They know all the best techniques and strategies, and share them with you!

Generate Revenue–Make Money!

This is where being an affiliate marketer comes in. You have your website, and have built it out so it has information that attracts and helps visitors. By becoming an affiliate to any one or more of millions–literally millions–of online businesses, you channel traffic to their site and get a percentage of what they earn.

So let’s say you review a gardening product on your gardening website–maybe a type of tool. If your visitor clicks on the link to the company selling the tool and buys it, you get a commission. How much varies a lot–from a few percent to 75%.

There are many ways to earn income from your website, and Wealthy Affiliate guides you through all of them. You can generate income from advertising, selling your own products or services, by building an email list, or even by reselling your traffic to others!

You can earn money as an affiliate to Wealthy Affiliate itself–it has one of the most lucrative affiliate programs in the industry!

Awesome Training

To me, as a person who had limited online skills, the Wealthy Affiliate training was what attracted me the most. There are two step by step training programs covering everything you need to know to set up and thrive with your online business. You can check it out as the first training of each is completely free for Starter members!

There are weekly live training presentations you can take part in, free to Premium members, and these remain available on the website if you miss them. There are literally hundreds of hours of past trainings available to you.

Support And Community–You Aren’t Alone

The support and sense of community is amazing at Wealthy Affiliate! In addition to the very complete trainings, there is Live Chat where you can discuss anything you need help with, or need ideas on, or just want to chat about. You can ask a question and get answers in minutes. If you want information on anything related to your online business, you can type it in the search bar, and get immediate past trainings on the subject. Or if you have a question about something technical with your website, you can go to Site Support, and get a response by an expert, usually within minutes.

The Tools You Need

All the tools you need to set up and run your online business! Everything from website building and platforms, to an awesome keyword research tool (Jaaxy), to site analysis tools that let you know how you are doing and what you need. There is extensive training on creating content, and even a Content Writer feature that helps you organize your content, checks spelling, grammar, punctuation, and originality, and allows you to publish directly to your website. There are tools to help you ask for feedback on your site, and to provide you with comments to your site. As I said, all the tools you need to build a successful website, and develop it into a successful business!

How Do I Get Started?

Check it out for free with a Starter membership, to see if this is what you want.

Why upgrade to the Premium membership? You get 10 websites (rather than the 1 with the Starter membership), additional training, unlimited 1-on-1 coaching, live video training, and increased access to the Jaxxy keyword and niche research tool.

But don’t take my word for how awesome Wealthy Affiliate is! Sign up for a Starter membership, completely free. Test drive it, try it out, see if it’s for you. Then, if you like what you see, you can take it to the next level with increased benefits and go for the Premium membership.

The Starter membership is free.

The Premium membership is $49 a month, or $359 a year (less than $1/day!). Truly a bargain for a ton of training, information, tools, and support!

Let Me Know How You Like It!

I’d love to hear your experience with Wealthy Affiliate. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them below, or email me directly at jane@seniorssuccesscoach.com. Good luck with your online business and all aspects of your life!


Exercise has many health benefits for all age groups, and there are a great number of walking benefits for seniors. Exercise is necessary to maintain our independence and quality of life. The type and degree of exercise depends on many factors for each individual, and this discussion is for those able to walk for exercise. There will be future posts for those of us unable to walk, whether it be a temporary or ongoing situation.

Why Walking For Exercise?

The American Heart Association calls walking the “single most effective form of exercise”. It is something the majority of us can do conveniently. It is easier on the joints than many forms of exercise. If you are a runner already, that remains a good form of exercise for you, but starting to run in your senior years can be very hard on your joints that aren’t accustomed to it.

Walking is a natural movement. It encourages good posture and spine alignment, especially if you stay aware of standing tall while walking. It helps strengthen the muscles which help stabilize the joints in your lower extremities, helping to prevent injuries. Walking regularly will help burn some calories, decrease the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. And these are just a few of the benefits of walking for seniors!

Walking Improves Memory

I think one of the things many of us fear as we get older is our mind getting less sharp. My Mom had Alzheimer’s, so it is definitely something I find worrisome. I think all of us notice some memory changes as we get older–but what is normal, and how do we keep our memory as healthy as we can?

A study from Columbia University has found that walking regularly as exercise actually helps with the development of new nerve cells in the hippocampus or memory hub! This area of the brain is unusual in that it is capable of the birth and development of new nerve cells, something that doesn’t happen in most areas of the brain. And this is the area of the brain associated with memory!

The Harvard Health Letter quotes Dr. Gad Marshall as saying “The most convincing evidence is that physical exercise helps prevent the development of Alzheimer’s or slow the progression in people who have symptoms. The recommendation is 30 minutes of moderately vigorous aerobic exercise, three to four days per week.” Walking fills the bill!

Exercise in general increases endorphins, helping to improve our mood. Walking also gets us out in the fresh air and sunshine, helping to lower anxiety and depression. Stress, anxiety and depression all are associated with short-term memory loss, and walking as exercise has been shown to help lower all three!

Walking Keeps Us Mobile

Mobility and independence go hand in hand. Certainly there are many individuals with major mobility issues who are independent, but it is in spite of their disabilities and because of their determination. For most people, as mobility decreases, so does their ability to live independently.

Walking helps keep us mobile, or even improves our mobility. It helps strengthen our muscles, thus stabilizing our joints, increases our circulation, improves balance, can help decrease arthritis pain, and may alleviate back pain. All these are important in themselves, and also decrease the risks of falls and injuries.

Most lower back pain benefits from walking routines. Check with your doctor to see if walking is recommended for you. Starting walking exercise may increase the lower back pain at first, but if you keep going it will usually decrease or even eliminate the pain.

Walking Increases Bone Density

Many studies have shown that the gentle stress put on bones by walking prevents loss of bone density, and actually helps increase density. Low bone density (or osteoporosis) increases the risk of fracturing a bone, even with minor trauma.

Walking isn’t stressful to the joints as many other forms or exercise are. It puts enough mild stress on your bones to encourage good bone strength, without the risk of injuries which may be present with more concussive forms of exercise.

Improve Your Circulation By Walking

Walking gets your heart rate up, which in turn improves your overall circulation. This has many benefits for your whole cardiovascular system.

Do you have leg pain with exercise, cramping in your legs, are your feet and legs cold more than they used to be? These are symptoms of poor circulation in your legs, sometimes from peripheral artery disease (or PAD). This is a narrowing of the arteries that reduces circulation, particularly in the legs, causing pain and cramping from lack of oxygen. If you suspect this may be you, please check with your doctor or health professional.

Walking gets your blood flowing more strongly, and can be a major factor in preventing or improving PAD. While you are improving circulation in your legs, you are simultaneously improving circulation to the rest of your body, particularly your heart, brain and lungs. This can be a major factor in reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke and breathing problems.

Stroke and heart disease are major risks to the senior population. A regular walking program significantly reduces the risk of both, especially when coupled with other healthy lifestyle choices. There are multiple studies which confirm this statement. Some focus on the speed you walk, some focus on the length of time spent walking, but all agree that any regular walking helps lower your risk of stroke and heart disease.

Starting A Walking Program–Be Realistic

When starting on a walking program, if you aren’t already walking regularly, be realistic. Try to set goals you can actually reach. Shoot for unrealistic goals, and you are much less likely to follow through.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends older adults participate in mild to moderate aerobic exercise at least 2.5 hours a week (which is only about 20 minutes a day). If you are just starting walking, aim for only 5 to10 minutes a day, and build up.

If you are uncomfortable during or after your walk–sore, achy, tired–maybe cut back for a couple days and then build back up. If you already are walking 20 minutes a day, try stretching your walks longer for even more benefit.

Find Ways To Enjoy Your Walking

Find some friends who may like to walk with you. Chatting with friends makes walking more fun, and arranging to walk with someone else will get you out walking when you may choose not to if you hadn’t made a walking date.

Find places that are interesting. Even if you have to drive a bit, taking a short (or long, if you are up to it) hike is more interesting than walking around the block a few times. Some terrain changes, slopes, hills, etc. will also increase the benefit of the walk. You might find that as you build up your walking endurance you might like the challenge of hiking!

Many communities have walking groups, or you might start one, if making it a social activity will increase your enjoyment and dedication.

Have a dog? Most dogs love walks, and it is as good for them as it is for us. Take the dog on more or longer walks and you will both benefit. Want to go hiking and take your dog? Here is a link to an article about On Or Off Leash Hiking With Your Dog. 

Start Your Walking Program

If you have any serious health issues, or have had no recent exercise, start your program with a talk with your doctor or health professional. They may have guidelines for you to proceed safely.

Choose how often you are going to walk. Five times a week is a good goal, or at first you may choose every other day or a similar schedule.

Start easy–5 to10 minutes a day is reasonable if you haven’t been getting any exercise, and build up to longer as it becomes easier.

Each walk, start at a comfortable warm-up speed, then try picking up the pace for the middle of the walk, then ease back to a slower cool-down pace at the end. You may not want to go beyond the warm-up pace for the first few walks. Notice your comfort level and adjust accordingly. Ideally, you will walk briskly enough that you are breathing harder, but are able to carry on a conversation.

How long and how briskly you walk is different for different individuals. Remember to set realistic goals so you will be able to reach them. Your ultimate goal may be walking 20 minutes a day 5 times a week, or hiking several hours a couple times a week. Work toward what suits you and is realistically possible for you–your goals are YOURS.

In Conclusion

Exercise in general, and walking in particular has many benefits for seniors. It improves mood and memory, lowers risk of high cholesterol and blood pressure, decreases risk of diabetes, improves overall circulation which aids in preventing or improving PAD, decreases risk of heart disease and stroke, contributes to improved strength and endurance, increases bone density, the list goes on and on! It’s convenient and safe. Let’s all get out and walk!

Let me know how your walking program is going, or share tips on walking. I personally am “hiking” an hour a day, trying to increase duration and difficulty of terrain. I’m trying to tackle some fairly steep hills once or twice a week, but only for one or two hills in each of those walks.

Leave a comment on your walking progress, or email me directly at jane@seniorssuccesscoach.com with questions or comments. Happy walking!






Seniors face many challenges in their lives. Some are new challenges for seniors, many are ongoing challenges they have been coping with. Challenges may be met with despair, indifference, or accepted as obstacles to be conquered or modified and mastered.. Each of the following challenges can and will be a separate post of its own. I hope that as you read this, you leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments at the end.

What Do We Mean By Seniors?

I’m using the term senior to mean someone who is noticing changes due to aging, or someone who is thinking that these changes are coming. To me, setting an arbitrary age (55+, over 65, whatever) is not very useful. Everyone ages differently, and many folks younger that 55 are facing the same challenges we older folks are. And of course, many of these challenges are not specific to seniors, but are common among many people. I have chosen them however, because they are challenges a large part of the senior population faces.

What Are The Most Common Challenges To Seniors?

  • Physical Aging–This is something we all go through differently, but is certainly a challenge to all seniors.
  • Loneliness or Isolation–For many, losing family or friends presents serious change.
  • Financial Security–A huge issue for many seniors who will not have an adequate income for retirement.
  • Mental and Emotional Health–Remaining sharp, coping with memory changes, avoiding depression.

Each of these is a very broad category, but with these four topics, we can cover most of the serious challenges common to many seniors, and that tend to become more difficult with aging. There is a tremendous amount of overlapping of these issues (for instance, physical aging may lead to isolation if the individual can no longer get out, financial problems related to healthcare, and depression over the changed situation), but it gives us a framework.

Physical Aging

Certainly each of us ages differently, but we all notice physical changes. For many, this includes health issues, either chronic or abrupt illness. For those of us lucky enough to be healthy, we still have physical changes with aging. We look different than we did at twenty, we are probably not as supple or as strong, we may have mobility issues, we probably tire more easily.

Many people have trouble accepting these changes. There are many ways we can press back at physical changes to make the best of the inevitable aging process.

Optimizing our health becomes more essential as we age. Physical exercise becomes more difficult, so we do less. No! We need to find ways to exercise, even if we have had to give up activities we love. I can no longer hike in rugged terrain for hours. I have always loved hiking, and for a while I pretty much gave it up because it was so difficult to do it the way I had. I am no longer able to scramble up and down rough terrain, and would become sore and tired–and still have miles to go.

But then I got sensible–giving up what was a large part of my life was ridiculous. And I could feel my endurance slipping quickly from being idle. So I started planning shorter hikes, with some steep (although admittedly short) uphill grades early in the hike while I was fresh, to feel I was building myself back up. I felt physically better again, and emotionally more cheerful.

Not everyone hikes, I know. But take what you can no longer do and modify it if possible, so you can still do it, rather than give it up.

If you are really limited physically, it is still important to exercise. Chair exercises that you can do while seated have many health benefits and will increase your sense of well-being.

As a nurse, I have seen many people work to make the best of health issues to improve their well-being. I have also seen many people give in to their poor health and not make an effort to become as well as they can be given an unfortunate health issue. I am not minimizing these issues, and saying one needs to buck up and get well! Not at all! But as our health or fitness changes, we need to find ways to maximize what we have.

Your doctor or other health professional should be able to provide resources that can help you understand your condition and what you can do to be as healthy as you can. Most locations have a Board of Aging that may be able to aim you at the right resources.

Loneliness Or Isolation

As we age it seems losses are inevitable. Many of these losses can be devastating. Loss of a spouse or other close family member, loss of friends though death or their moving away after retirement, loss of our routine and social contacts when we retire, loss of our favorite activities we are no longer up to doing and the related social circle. It is depressing even to list these losses. No wonder loneliness or a sense of isolation is such a prevalent problem for seniors.

For some, volunteer work is a great way to fill the gaps in our lives, and give us a sense of purpose at the same time. Whatever your interests are, or activities have been, there is probably a volunteer opportunity that would work for you. If you go online to https://www.nationalservice.gov, you will find information about Senior Corp. This is a national and local program for those 55 and over who wish to volunteer. It offers Foster Grandparents, Senior Companions and RSVP (a diverse volunteer program).


There should be other volunteer opportunities in your community–check with the local Board on Aging, ask if your local library has a program of reading to small children (or start one), visit your local animal shelter to see if they need dog walkers or kitten snugglers.

If you are lonely, or just want to make new friends, there are ways in any community. Senior facilities love to have other seniors come to play games with residents, or visit with them. Your locale may have a Senior Center. Don’t feel senior enough? Ask if you can volunteer to help out there.

The opportunities are endless if you look for them. You will make new friends, make a worthwhile contribution to your community, and share skills you have learned with others.

Financial Security

1 in 10 seniors 65 years and older live in poverty, and many others feel insecure about their financial future.

Many were unable to put aside enough for retirement. Or inflation has made their savings inadequate. Struggling with debt is common for seniors. Perhaps they helped children or grandchildren and tapped into their own savings to do so. I spent most of my retirement savings paying for my parents’ care when their funds proved inadequate because of illness.

Many seniors have overwhelming credit card debt from these causes, or their own medical bills or unforeseen expenses (like a major house repair that was unexpected). Most seniors have Medicare, which is awesome insurance, but still medical bills can mount up.

Managing finances can be difficult after the death of a spouse, especially if that person was the one handling the family finances.

Many seniors stay working, or go back to work after retirement. Often for financial reasons, but also, for many, because they miss the social interaction, routine or sense of purpose working can bring.

My own financial outlook was bleak after retiring, and that is actually what prompted me to look into options and ultimately create this website. I really wanted to be able to make my own schedule. So I looked online extensively for work at home opportunities. Many of them involved phone calls, which I was not up for, or were get-rich-quick scams.

One review lead me to Wealthy Affiliate, which made it sound possible for me to create my own on-line business. Something I otherwise considered way too hard for me, totally out of reach. I joined with the free starter option, and was soon totally involved. I have reviewed Wealthy Affiliate in greater depth in another post.

The greatest benefit to me was challenging me mentally, forcing me to learn new skills, and giving me confidence that I could learn these new skills. It started out borderline overwhelming, and then turned into fun. Facing what, to me, was a huge challenge, and seeing some progress toward my goals has given me new energy and enthusiasm for all phases of my life.


It has made me want to explore all the ways that seniors can face their challenges, and help others to do so also. Hence, this website, still in its infancy, but hopefully growing stronger and more helpful each day.

Mental And Emotional Health

Physical changes, changes in our role in the family and community, retirement or change in jobs, financial pressures, everyday struggles to care for ourselves or our homes. . . the list goes on and on. All of these pressures can take a toll on our mental and emotional health.

Although we certainly don’t have control over many aspects of aging, we can take steps to maximize our strengths and help avoid some future problems. If we take stock of what keeps us happy and makes us feel good, and work to build on these, it can do wonders for emotional health. We may have to modify things that we used to do. For instance, if you love tending things, but can’t cope with a large garden anymore, go for a small garden or even some potted houseplants to tend. Be realistic, but don’t give up on things you love doing.

You love children but yours are grown and live far away? Find friends who would like you to babysit on occasion, or help one of their youngsters with a garden of his own. Look into the 4-H, scout, boys and girls clubs in your area and offer to help. Maybe they would be interested in a garden project, and you could share your skills. Many schools have after school programs and welcome volunteers to help, or to present a program on something they are knowledgeable about.

I had to give up my rugged hiking, which was a blow to me, but by modifying it to shorter hikes with some fitness goals, I overcame the sadness and build a realistic activity I really enjoy. If I wanted to go further with it, I could offer some scouts or kids groups a program of hiking awareness and skills. Or put out feelers in my local paper to form an old fogie hiking group. Hmm. Not a bad idea!

I think most older folks worry at least to some degree about dementia and memory loss. Most recent research lists exercise, good nutrition and being mentally active (especially learning a new skill) as major forces to prevent dementia and undue memory loss. All things that are good for our emotional well-being in general!

To Wrap It Up

We seniors face many challenges, many of them new to us as we age. Some we can overcome, but many we have to seek ways to modify so we can meet them. It takes a bit of effort on our part, and the hardest part of that might be to decide you are going to meet the challenge and do something about it. Inertia–it can be very hard to get ourselves going to face a challenge. But then the inertia will work in our favor! Once we get started, it will be easier to keep going–especially as we start to see the benefits.

It’s hard to start a new exercise program, but once you get going and feel better, it is easier to keep going. It is very hard to start a new diet, but when you see you have lost a few pounds, the motivation to keep going is there. It was hard for me to go back to hiking, but once I got out there I realized how much I had missed it and it is now very easy to keep going. Some days I may have less energy, but I just give myself a shorter hike, and come home feeling better than if I had skipped it.

So the message is don’t just accept changes you don’t like. Find ways to meet the challenges make things better for you. And doing it alone is hard. So leave a message and let us know what your challenges have been. And how you are meeting them. No matter what it is, I guarantee you are not alone! Or ask how others have dealt with similar issues. We seniors are a huge community, and we can help each other.

If you want to contact me directly, email me at jane@seniorssuccesscoach.com.





About Senior’s Success Coach

About Senior’s Success Coach

Hello. I’m Jane, and I have to admit to being a bit presumptuous in setting up a Senior’s Success Coach website! I have a lot to offer in some aspects of being successful as a person going into their senior years, but we will be taking the journey together in some other aspects!

How Senior’s Success Coach Came To Be.

I feel as though I have had a satisfying life. I am a Registered Nurse, and worked as such for 30 some years, in a variety of settings. I love the profession, and worked with many different ages and degrees of illness–from intensive care to home care. I shared a piece of many peoples’ lives, from birth to illness and to end of life.

I connected with many people of many different backgrounds, and feel my life is richer for it. As I have said, I feel I have had a rich and satisfying life.

But I’m retired now. I am still an active hiker (although it sure is physically harder these days!), an avid reader, a huge pet fan, and have several volunteer interests. Financially, I’m a bit shaky. I spent a large part of my retirement savings taking care of my parents before they passed away.

My Unexpected New Found Interest.

As I said I’m retired, and am in my early 70’s. I was interested in finding a way to supplement my retirement savings, but not go back to working for someone else or on a set schedule. I went on line, and looked into work-at-home jobs and things like that. I found many were scams and was pretty discouraged. Then I checked into an affiliate marketing program (I didn’t even know what that was yet). I checked out several, and signed up for the one that seemed to offer the most.

I can use a computer, but am not techno-savvy. In the first couple weeks, I found myself struggling–a lot!. But I also found a new interest which spurred me on! And a great sense of accomplishment! I found myself waking up each morning with more energy than I have had in years. I found myself eager to get to work taking on new challenges each day!

And this new energy spread to other aspects of my life. I became more determined to improve my life style–eating well, improving my physical strength and suppleness, becoming even more involved with volunteer projects. I feel I’m starting on a more productive phase of my life in my retirement years! Wow!

I Want To Have Others Join Me Reaching Great New Goals!

This website came to be because I want to push myself to keep going forward. And have others join me and help both me and them to keep going forward. The catalyst to all this has been my online business I’ve started, and I want to develop it much further. As well as improve other aspects of our lives. And I don’t want to do it alone–I want you all to join me and we will grow together! How neat will that be?

Let me know how this sounds to you. What aspects will help you enrich your senior years (or not so senior years. If you are younger, come join us on the journey as well). If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. And you can always email me at jane@seniorssuccesscoach.com.

All the best,

Jane S.
