About Senior’s Success Coach

Hello. I’m Jane, and I have to admit to being a bit presumptuous in setting up a Senior’s Success Coach website! I have a lot to offer in some aspects of being successful as a person going into their senior years, but we will be taking the journey together in some other aspects!

How Senior’s Success Coach Came To Be.

I feel as though I have had a satisfying life. I am a Registered Nurse, and worked as such for 30 some years, in a variety of settings. I love the profession, and worked with many different ages and degrees of illness–from intensive care to home care. I shared a piece of many peoples’ lives, from birth to illness and to end of life.

I connected with many people of many different backgrounds, and feel my life is richer for it. As I have said, I feel I have had a rich and satisfying life.

But I’m retired now. I am still an active hiker (although it sure is physically harder these days!), an avid reader, a huge pet fan, and have several volunteer interests. Financially, I’m a bit shaky. I spent a large part of my retirement savings taking care of my parents before they passed away.

My Unexpected New Found Interest.

As I said I’m retired, and am in my early 70’s. I was interested in finding a way to supplement my retirement savings, but not go back to working for someone else or on a set schedule. I went on line, and looked into work-at-home jobs and things like that. I found many were scams and was pretty discouraged. Then I checked into an affiliate marketing program (I didn’t even know what that was yet). I checked out several, and signed up for the one that seemed to offer the most.

I can use a computer, but am not techno-savvy. In the first couple weeks, I found myself struggling–a lot!. But I also found a new interest which spurred me on! And a great sense of accomplishment! I found myself waking up each morning with more energy than I have had in years. I found myself eager to get to work taking on new challenges each day!

And this new energy spread to other aspects of my life. I became more determined to improve my life style–eating well, improving my physical strength and suppleness, becoming even more involved with volunteer projects. I feel I’m starting on a more productive phase of my life in my retirement years! Wow!

I Want To Have Others Join Me Reaching Great New Goals!

This website came to be because I want to push myself to keep going forward. And have others join me and help both me and them to keep going forward. The catalyst to all this has been my online business I’ve started, and I want to develop it much further. As well as improve other aspects of our lives. And I don’t want to do it alone–I want you all to join me and we will grow together! How neat will that be?

Let me know how this sounds to you. What aspects will help you enrich your senior years (or not so senior years. If you are younger, come join us on the journey as well). If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out. And you can always email me at jane@seniorssuccesscoach.com.

All the best,

Jane S.


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